Sunday, February 03, 2013

Cowby Movie Heroes

Cowboy Movie Heroes

Growing up at the Brentwood Theater, our favorite cowboys were the flavor of the week variety. Just depended on the latest movie. Roy Rogers, Charles Starrett, Lash LaRue, Gene Autrey. We played P'like a lot (as in P'like (play like in Southern) I'm Roy and you are the bad guy). Roy Rogers cap pistols for Christmas that seldom outlived the first roll of caps. (I might have mentioned that my youngest brother had his cap pistol confiscated by the usher for joining in the on screen shooting and was too afraid to ask for it back.)



  1. Sounds like a great idea, John. And, we would not bug those who might happen to be on a certain email list but would not be interested in our nostalgia. It surely is fun for those of us interested, though! CBP


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